
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Orange Julius

These Orange Julius’s tasted exactly like the real deal, and it only took 5 minutes!

Juicing out the History

For the past 85 years the Orange Julius has been rocking the beverage world. It was founded by Julius Freed and Bill Hamlin, all the way back in 1926. The first Orange Julius store was opened in California. Originally, the store only sold orange juice, but Bill Hamlin started to blend the juice with other ingredients and the idea was an instant success. By 1929, the company expanded to 100 stores.  At Canada’s World fair in the 1960s the frothy and refreshing drink was introduced to the world. Hong Kong opened its first Orange Julius in the 1980s.  In the late 1980s Dairy Queen bought the company and added their drink to its menu. Today you can stop at your local Dairy Queen or one of the 200 Orange Julius’s stores to get the drink. Once there, you can choose from one of the many flavors. Some of the flavors are strawberry, berry, peach and of course orange.  
Lets Get Cookin' 
6-ounce can of orange juice concentrate
2/3 c. milk
2/3 c. water
1 tsp vanilla
8 ice cubes

2 tsp sugar

1.)    Put all ingredients in a blender.

2.)    Blend until thick.

3.)    Pour into 3 glasses and enjoy.

Yields 3   2/3 cup per serving

êCritic’s Ratings ê          

Me:  êêêê  Mom:   êêêêê Dad: êêêêê Paul: êêêê     

Would I make it again....

Would I change any thing....
Make a double batch:-) and I would use orange slices as garnish.

Dont feel like making them....
Go to your local Dariy Queen.

Thanks to The Joy of Snacking by Nancy Cooper and for the history info!

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