
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Perfect Popovers

First off, welcome to my blog The Taste Bud Diaries. I am hoping to show that people of all ages can cook food. I am only 15 and I love to cook and bake. I have basically been doing it from the time I could walk. Now I want to share my love of creating food with you!

I decided to make popovers for my first post because they are one of my favorite things to eat and to make.  Most people think that popovers are a difficult and tedious thing to bake. Trust me there is no way to get them wrong. It only has 4 basic ingredients. Tonight we had them with some chili. A great meal for the cold winter night!

Popping into History
Popovers are the American version of a Yorkshire Pudding. The first time that popovers were referenced was in a letter, written in 1850. In 1879, the cook book called Practical Cooking was the first cook book that had a recipe for popovers. From then on they have been a staple in the American's home cookin’ menu.

Lets Get Cookin'

1.c flour
1/2  tsp. salt
2 eggs
1 c. milk

1.)    Preheat oven to 450°
2.)    Grease a 6-cup muffin or popover pan.
3.)    Mix flour and salt together in a medium mixing bowl.

4.)    Combine eggs and milk in a bowl, stirring with a whisk until blended.

5.)    Add to flour mixture, stirring well with whisk.

6.)    Divide batter among the 6 prepared popover cups.

7.)    Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350° and bake 20 minutes.

9.)    Serve immediately.

Yields 6
êCritic’s Ratings ê 4.75/5
Me: êêêêê    Dad: êêêê   Mom: êêêê1/2   Paul: êêêêê
Would I make it again...
What I would change….
I would stir it better next time because some bites were a bit saltier than others.
Dont feel like making them...
Three places in the twin cities area that have amazing popovers are:
  • The Lake Shore Grill
                        Located in Ridgedale Mall in the Macy's Womens and Children upper level.
  • St. James Hotel resturant
                        Located: 406 Main St. Red Wing, MN 55066    phone 800-252-1875

  • The General Store's cafe
                        Located: 14401 Highway 7, Minnetonka, MN 55345   Phone  952-935-7131

Special thanks to Schulz Family Favorites  cook book and Clyde Schulz for the Popover recipe.


  1. I am so proud of you.

  2. Love your blog and the name you gave it. I'll keep coming back. Have fun! (I am one of your Aunt Lisa's friends)....Kathy B.
